Narrow Boat Guide

Paint Guide for Narrow Boats & Inland Cruisers

Quantities Required for Painting Cabin Sides

Preparation of steel

It is always worth spending a little extra time getting the preparation right, as this will affect the ultimate success of the job. Poor preparation usually means a disappointing result.


Bare steel

The most effective way of preparing the steel is to grit blast with angular grit to Swedish Standard Sa.2.5, other methods are less effective. However, often this is not possible and other methods of preparation such as heavy discing, sanding and wire brushing can be used. It is important to thoroughly remove the cleaning debris before painting. Where ‘shop primed steel’ is used it is advisable to contact International Paint Ltd.


Painted steel in poor condition

If the existing paint is in poor condition and showing signs of rust coming through in many areas, then it is advisable to remove the paint and treat as per ‘Bare Steel’.


Painted steel in good condition

If the existing coat is intact, then you should:

  • Clean thoroughly with Boatcare Super Cleaner
  • Rinse thoroughly with fresh water
  • Sand with 280-320 grade wet or dry paper
  • Rinse thoroughly with fresh water and allow to dry
  • Recoat with Toplac®


Hull Blacking – Product Selector Guide

Hull Blacking – Handy Specifications

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