Preparing a non-slip deck
How to prepare a non-slip deck
A deck demands a tough coating to protect it from everyday wear and tear. Should you require a non-slip surface, we offer 3 alternative solutions.

Step 1: Health and Safety
- Before commencing preparatory work, ensure the area you are working in is adequately ventilated.
- Ensure you are wearing the correct PPE; we recommend safety spectacles, goggles or visors, nitrile rubber gloves, overalls (ensuring skin is not exposed) and a solvent mask.
Previously painted surfaces:

Step 2: Inspection
Check for areas of damage, separation or peeling, or any other indications that the existing coating is not firmly adhered to the substrate.

Step 3: Preparation
In good condition:
Clean with cleaning product and rinse with fresh water. Allow to dry. Sand smooth with 280-320 grade paper. Clean thoroughly and allow to dry completely. Continue at Step 6.
in poor condition:
If previous finish is cracking, peeling or showing signs of separation from the substrate this should be totally removed.

Step 4: Masking
Before priming or applying a deck finish, mask off the area to be painted.
Bare Substrate

Step 5: Priming
Your choice of primer will be determined by the substrate and the choice of deck finish. Priming recommendations are provided on labels and data sheets. Remember to pay particular attention to drying times and overcoating intervals.

Step 6: Application
Ready-mixed formula:
Sand the primer (if used) with 180-220 grit wet or dry paper. Remove dust with a dust wipe or tack rag according to label recommendations.
Mix thoroughly; apply 1-2 coats. For best results either stipple by brush or use a mohair roller.

Hand-mixed method:
Apply primer (if required) and undercoat following label recommendations. Add the contents of the Non-Slip Additive.
Mix thoroughly. Apply 1-2 coats to deck area, using a brush or roller. For best results either stipple by brush or use a mohair roller.

Broadcast method:
Apply primer (if required) and undercoat following label recommendations.
Apply one coat of topcoat. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle Non-Slip Additive over the surface. Allow to dry thoroughly following the recommendations provided on the finish label. Remove excess grit. Apply second coat of finish.